The ICoCA Board of Directors is delighted to announce Frank P. Amoyaw as new Industry Pillar Board Director for Africa, elected in December 2022.

Frank Amoyaw has spent nearly 14 years in Africa, mainly in the private sector. He has extensive experience in the mining industry, where he focused on CSR/CSI and health security, and has participated in high level dialogues with host governments and multilateral donors. He has also worked in the private security industry for over a decade in governance and strategic oversight roles. Mr. Amoyaw has a deep understanding of the African context, and has developed and executed successful strategies and built resilient relationships with stakeholders across multiple sectors in a resource-rich but complex environment.

With a Master’s Degree in International and European Security from the University of Geneva, a leadership certificate from the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, and an MPH from the University of Ghana, Mr. Amoyaw has a deep understanding of security and global public health issues and continues to study Defence and International Politics at the Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College. He is dedicated to promoting responsible security on the African continent through encouraging dialogue and consultation between the public and private sectors.

Mr. Amoyaw serves as Chief Executive Officer of Landmark Security (LMS), a Ghana-based company that specializes in providing services in security policy and governance as well as global security operations, including protective security, maritime and energy security, crisis response and incident management, and risk management services. The company operates primarily in Africa and the Gulf of Guinea and works with governments and multinational organisations to execute critical security projects and offer bespoke solutions.

We sat down with Mr. Amoyaw to discuss his new role at the ICoCA Board, and plans for the organisation.


What were the reasons for LandMark Security joining ICoCA in 2013?

Landmark Security has a long history with ICoCA. The company was among the first signatory companies present at the initial signatory ceremony in Geneva in 2013. We’ve also participated in numerous industry specific discussions towards the framing and development of series of policies and plans currently in use by the Association. Our decision to join ICoCA at the time when little was known, was partly motivated by our quest to be the private security company that operates ethically and responsibly; and to be part of a growing industry-led Association that understands, encourages, and exhibits remarkable respect for human rights in security business operations. We remain sensitive to regional cultures and continue to place private security governance and regulatory compliance at the heart of our everyday work. As a security company operating in our part of the world, we want to continue to focus on respect for the people we work with, and the communities in which we operate.


What motivated you to become a member of the ICoCA Board of Directors?

Our industry has undoubtedly been adversely affected by the disruptions caused by the pandemic, and this has impacted our businesses negatively. As a result, there is a strong desire to help members amplify their broader needs and properly direct their activities toward achieving sustainable recovery that has become urgent and intense.

My decision to take on this responsibility stems from my deep understanding of the African context and my commitment to the members of the industry. I consider this to be one of the most important requirements within the broader framework. I believe that through this cause, I can make a positive and lasting impact on the security industry.

ICoCA needs our support to move beyond recurring legacy issues and build strong forward-looking strategies and governance structures to ensure that this organisation stays relevant in the future. As such, I am committed to doing my part to ensure ICoCA continues to provide excellence in service, standards, and reliability for the private security industry.


Why does ICoCA’s mission resonate with you?

I perfectly understand what it takes to be passionate about a cause that promotes responsible private security, and seeks to elevate industry standards globally. I’m committed to challenging the status quo and driving the conversation about responsible private security forward.

Through my involvement with ICoCA, I have had the opportunity to develop a strong understanding of the industry and the various stakeholders involved. I am devoted to working towards the collective goal of creating a secure, accountable, and transparent environment within the security industry. I am confident that together, we can make significant strides towards ensuring that our industry is well-managed, accountable, and reliable.


The composition of the Board’s corporate pillar changed in the last election, with your Board seat marking the first time a seat is dedicated to companies in Africa. Why the change, what are some of the big issues in ensuring responsible private security provision on the continent, and how are you planning to use this opportunity?

I strongly believe the change has become exceptionally important and indispensable. Our membership structure has changed tremendously from 2013, we need to engage in support activities that reflects the diversity of our membership and reach out to an expanded continental audience. This is a positive evolution to keep abreast with the very changing security dynamics and our membership in Africa. We are in unprecedented times; we see disruptions everywhere, and we must be consistent in our approach and commitments to Africa.

The Africa seat presents an opportunity for us to create more inclusive and diverse leadership that can help set a new standard of excellence in the industry. We want to work closely with leadership to develop realistic actionable plans, and new strategies to address the essential requirements of the industry in Africa, leverage our collective experience and expertise to create innovative solutions that will help the African industry thrive in the post-pandemic era.

With this dedicated pillar directorship seat, we can work more closely together to achieve our preferred outcomes, we can create an environment where everyone is able to contribute to the success of the industry and benefit from its growth and long-term success. There are better days ahead and would like to encourage all members to have a seat at the table to advance our shared objectives.


As ICoCA celebrates its 10-year anniversary in 2023, what are the challenges and opportunities for your company and for the Association in the years ahead?

Let me first congratulate all members, ICoCA leadership, stakeholders, interested parties, and the government partners who have sustained the Association, and continue to have faith in it.

With a changing global security landscape, new and disruptive technologies such as AI, we do acknowledge that a lot is at stake, and so much is needed to continue to be the pacesetters in the provision of responsible security in our domain. It is just the right time for us to re-evaluate our work, be honest with our shortfalls, and be prepared to think differently as we seek to drive value for our membership and shareholders. We must improve on the governance and accountability mechanisms, advocate and promote a lot more women-in-security for their unique perspectives to be heard, and everyone to contribute to advance the things that enable us to succeed as a group.

Lastly, ICoCA must work more closely with members, stakeholders and interested parties to provide flexible and sustainable pathways for industry members to attain industry certification in compliance with the Code requirement. This is a challenge, nevertheless, it presents an opportunity we must collectively work to overcome in the years ahead.