The International Code of Conduct along with its implementation mechanism, ICoCA, is an example of an industry specific, soft law instrument intended to strengthen human rights due diligence in the private security supply chain. It sits within a legal landscape that has evolved in the ten years since the Code of Conduct was agreed. So how has the law changed in the intervening period, and do these changes, along with changes to industry itself, ensure effective accountability in the security supply chain?

We convened a panel of experts to discuss whether the law effectively protects and ensures respect for human rights and humanitarian law by private security providers. In particular, panelists considered  the case of Modern Slavery, providing perspective on the latest trends in managing the risks of human trafficking and forced labour – are current laws enough to eradicate such practices today? Are regulatory developments requiring human rights due diligence strong enough to strengthen sustainable supply chain practices that respect all stakeholders? And are sanctions and penalties sufficiently severe and targeted to deter practices that, some would argue, have historically left rights holders and affected communities with little recourse to effective remedy?

Watch the discussion above.



Jonathan Drimmer, Partner, Paul Hastings

Mary Johnson, International Lawyer, Fair Play Human Rights Consulting

Adam Smith-Anthony, Partner, Head of Business & Human Rights, Omnia Strategy



Chris Galvin, Head of Communications & Outreach, ICoCA



November 19, 2020, 16:30-17:30 CET