ICoCA’s Organisational Core Values are shared principles and beliefs underpinning our work and guiding actions and behaviours of our staff. Our values define who we are, what we stand for and how we behave. While we come from different backgrounds and cultures, our values are what we have in common. They guide how we work with our Members, Affiliates and each other, inform how we work and hold us accountable to do our best. Our values underpin our Code of Conduct which is our frame of reference for the decisions we make every day. |
Our organisational values are:Act with Integrity: We hold ourselves to the highest professional standard and are honest and open. We act without consideration of personal gain and do not abuse power or authority. We have the courage to speak up for what is right, especially when it feels difficult. We take prompt action in cases of unprofessional or unethical behaviour, proactively challenge misconduct and properly address conflicts of interest. Respect: We act with consideration, compassion and kindness. We challenge discourteous behaviour and promote a culture of respect both internally and in dealing with Members, Affiliates, other stakeholders and people impacted by our work. Trust: We feel trust is essential to be an effective team and to achieve ICoCA’s mission. Trust is essential to our relationships with all of our stakeholders – with Members, Affiliates, Board Directors, partners, suppliers, colleagues, shareholders and in the broader community. We will invest time to build trust between the team and ICoCA Members and stakeholders. We will build trust by delivering on our promises, being ethical and being worthy of the trust our stakeholders place in us. We will maintain trust by doing what is right. We will build trust in the Code and ensure that we act when it has been breached. Diversity and inclusiveness: We are open to everyone and embrace diversity and work effectively with people from all backgrounds. We treat all people with dignity and respect. We treat everyone equally and show respect for diverse points of view. We examine our own biases and behaviours and do not discriminate against any individual or group. We believe everyone has a contribution to make, regardless of visible and invisible differences. Transparency and Accountability: We speak and write clearly. We listen to others and respond appropriately. We have open two-way communication and tailor language, tone, style and share information in a transparent way. We take responsibility for our actions and hold ourselves accountable to our colleagues, Board Directors and other stakeholders. We believe that others should also be held accountable for their actions. We constantly look for ways to improve our accountability and transparency practices. Solution orientated: We actively seek to improve our practices and find solutions. We learn from past experiences and adopt better work practices through harnessing positive energy and jointly finding solutions. We offer new and different options to meet the needs of the organisation. We promote and persuade others to consider new ideas. We take calculated risks – think “outside the box” and take an interest in new ideas. We do not get bound by traditional approaches. |
ICoCA’s Core Values PDF |