Governments play a critical role in the governance of ICoCA. As regulators, clients and donors, their influence on the private security industry is multi-faceted. Initially comprised of seven Member governments – Australia, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK, and the USA – the Association is pleased to announce the addition of Uruguay as its eighth Member government. The decision by the government of Uruguay to join is a testament to the growing importance of international cooperation in shaping the private security landscape.

Commissioner General Henry De León, Director General of Corporate Control, along with his Deputy, Christopher Daset, share insights into the motivations behind Uruguay’s membership and the opportunities it presents for the country and the Association.


Why has Uruguay decided to join ICoCA?

Uruguay has made the decision to join ICoCA as part of its ongoing commitment to promoting high ethical and operational standards in the private security sector. Partnering with ICoCA represents an opportunity to contribute to the development of international standards, share experiences and best practices, and strengthen integrity and transparency in private security operations.


How does Uruguay intend to actively participate in ICoCA?

Uruguay intends to actively participate in ICoCA through proactive contribution in the working groups, exchange of knowledge and experiences, and compliance with the commitments set out in the Code of Conduct. In addition, we are committed to working closely with other Members to continuously improve practices in the sector.


What are Uruguay’s expectations in terms of the benefits of ICoCA membership?

ICoCA membership is seen as an opportunity to strengthen Uruguay’s international reputation in the field of respect for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, particularly in the field of private security, by aligning ourselves with globally recognised standards. We hope to benefit from the network of knowledge, best practices and resources offered by ICoCA, thus contributing to the sustainable and ethical development of the industry in our country.


How would you describe the private security industry in Uruguay? What are the challenges that private security companies face, and what opportunities does Uruguay’s membership in ICoCA bring for both the industry and civil society actors in the country?

The private security industry in Uruguay is characterised by its steady growth and its importance to overall security. Challenges include the need to ensure high ethical and operational standards, as well as effective risk management. ICoCA membership provides opportunities to address these challenges by adopting best practices, collaborating with experts and participating in initiatives that benefit both the industry and civil society.