Omnitempus: Upholding Human Rights in Colombia’s Complex Security Sector

ICoCA Certified Member since September 2022


Omnitempus: Beyond Security

For more than thirty years, Omnitempus has provided security services throughout Colombia’s major cities. With more than 730 active employees, Omnitempus is known for its responsiveness, high standards, and contributions to social responsibility in the Colombian private security sector. The company offers a variety of services to its clients, including surveillance, transportation, research, and consulting.

Omnitempus’ mission highlights transparency, leadership, and commitment to upholding human rights practises.

At Omnitempus, we are a company that operates in the complex places of Colombia, and yet we maintain good practises in the field of human rights and international humanitarian law,” explains William Ramirez, General Director at Omnitempus.

The Difficulties of Operating a Responsible Organisation in Colombia

Omnitempus’ prospects of becoming a leading private security company in Colombia have not gone unchallenged. According to Mr. Ramirez, the infiltration of crime, fierce competition, corruption in the state sector, and ever-changing legislation often preclude private security companies from upholding human rights standards and honest practises in Omnitempus’ areas of operation. Perhaps one of the largest obstacles has been the gradual transition from physical surveillance services to technological surveillance.

But Mr. Ramirez believes that Omnitempus is uniquely positioned to overcome these obstacles, and points to the company’s partnership with ICoCA as one of its strongest assets.

Omnitempus joined ICoCA in order to reassure our clients and stakeholders that our procedures and practises comply with the International Code of Conduct for Security Providers,” Mr. Ramirez explains.

By becoming an ICoCA Member, Omnitempus “would also like to highlight [its] commitment to respecting human rights and international humanitarian law.


ICoCA’s Role in the Future of Colombian Private Security

Omnitempus recognises the pressing need for compliance with human rights regulations and ICoCA’s Code of Conduct. Organisations such as Omnitempus have demonstrated the impact ICoCA will continue to have on companies looking to uphold humanitarian standards and set positive examples for surrounding security providers.

As an ICoCA member, we would like to train our employees in topics that affect security operations and the generation of valid preventative controls from risk analysis,” Mr. Ramirez states. “We want ICoCA to be our ally in terms of knowledge and good security practices in environments similar to ours.


Learn more about Omnitempus by visiting their website.