Annual General Assembly Official Opening – Frédéric Chenais, Senior Advisor, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Government of Switzerland & Chair, ICoCA Board of Directors
Annual Review – Jamie Williamson, Executive Director, ICoCA
Panel Discussion – The Role of Private Security Companies in Migration & Detention
From 2010 to 2020, the global population of migrants increased from 220 to 281 million people and more than 10 million people are incarcerated or detained, often under the guard of private security companies. The phenomena of migration and detention will not disappear in the future and figures are only expexcted to grow exponentially. In these spaces, whether refugee camps, immigration processing and detention centers or prisons, proper living conditions and the respect of human rights may not be adequately enforced due to lack of regulation and oversight. So what are the challenges in ensuring responsible security provision in these contexts?
Beatrice Godefroy, Europe Director, Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC), ICoCA Board Member
Daria Davitti, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Lund University
Ruth Hopkins, Journalist & Founder, Private Security Network
Sorcha MacLeod, Marie Curie Fellow & Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen/Chair of the UN Working Group on the Use of Mercenaries
Farhan Quddus, Managing Director, Securex Limited