The call for more responsible business practice is gaining traction. France took the lead in 2017 passing a law requiring large French companies to have human rights due diligence processes in place throughout their supply chains. A referendum in Switzerland on the so-called Responsible Business Initiative will take place at the end of this month, which if passed will require Swiss companies to verify compliance with human rights and environmental standards throughout their international supply chains. The EU is also now drafting human rights due diligence legislation which may come into law next year.
So why does the private security sector play such a critical role in the supply chain, and how can organisations be assured that their private security providers are responsible businesses that respect human rights, international and humanitarian law?
We brought together an expert panel to answer these questions, and to consider the role ICoCA plays in promoting responsible private security.
Please note this webinar is in French
November 12, 2020 11:00-12:15 (CET)
Mr. Jean-Baptiste Jusot, CEO, Convictio
Mr Jamie Williamson, Executive Director, ICoCA
Mr David Hornus, CEO, CORPGUARD
Mr Tanneguy Menager, Director, GEOS Nigéria
Madame Nathalie Felines, CEO, GEOMINES
Madame Alexandra Legall, Déléguée Régionale Club des Femmes Sécurité et Numérique
This webinar was organised in collaboration with Les Jeunes de l’IHEDN