Many African countries have deemed private security an essential service, enlisting the sector in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. However, state imposed lockdowns are leading to rising tensions and social unrest as questions are asked about policies that purport to save lives by sacrificing livelihoods of vulnerable populations. So what impact is COVID-19 having on the security situation in Africa? ICoCA convened a panel of expert practitioners for a webinar discussion on April 27, 2020 which asked:

  • Have measures in various African countries to contain the spread of COVID-19 created more insecurity and increased tensions amongst local communities?
  • What are the human rights and humanitarian implications of these measures?
  • What role does civil society have to play – informing decision-making, enforcing adopted measures and/or monitoring their implementation?
  • What might these developments mean for the provision of responsible security.



Frank Amoyaw, CEO, LandMark Security, Ghana

Beatrice Godefroy, Director, CIVIC, Switzerland

Fred Nwogu, Programmes Manager, New Nigeria Foundation, Nigeria

Caleb Wanga, National Coordinator, Ursalama Reforms Forum, Kenya



Chris Galvin, Head of Communications & Outreach, ICoCA